5 Beautiful Autumn Trees That Grow in Australia

5 Beautiful Autumn Trees That Grow in Australia

Each year, as autumn rolls around, it brings with it an array of stunning tree foliage. Autumn leaves come in many colours, from bright yellows to burnt oranges, to deep reds, and they can help signal the changing of the seasons towards a cooler temperature, and a time for hot chocolates and blankets. 

If you’re a fan of the autumn colours that fill many streets and yards across Australia, you may wish to know what you can plant to achieve such colours for future autumns! Australia has lots of options when it comes to autumn trees to choose from. Different trees grow best in different regions of the country, so it’s best to check to see which trees grow best in your area before committing to a purchase.

Read on to find out about five of the many gorgeous autumn trees in Australia! 

Liquidambar Tree


If the name didn’t already give it away, this tree produces leaves of oranges and reds during the autumn. Native to North America, Central America, and Mexico, this tree is also sometimes called a sweetgum. Its love of warm climates makes it perfectly suited for growing in Australia. There are several different varieties of liquidambar, such as the Gold Dust and the Gumball. Keep in mind when planting that these trees love a full sun position, and can grow to be quite large, so make sure they have plenty of space and their roots have room to spread. 

Japanese Maple

If red is your colour then a Japanese maple could be the perfect tree for you! During autumn, the leaves of these elegant trees turn to shades of red and burgundy. They can be grown directly in the ground, or in a container for those who wish to easily transport them. These trees can even make nice bonsais, if you’re after something a little different for your desk. As the name suggests, the Japanese maple is native to Japan, however it can also be found natively in Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia. These trees like a little bit of shade, so be sure to plant them in a spot that isn’t too sunny (somewhere that receives shade in the afternoon can be great!)

Golden Ash Tree

Golden Ash

If you’re a fan of yellow, then you might consider planting a golden ash tree. These beautiful plants have leaves that become a soft yellow colour in the autumn, but they don’t stop there! Golden ash trees change throughout the year, looking a little different in each season. They don’t grow to be too large (think around 7 metres tall), making them ideal for those with smaller gardens who are after a feature tree. The ash family of trees are native to mainland Europe, the Alborz mountains, Caucasia, and the British Isles. They like moist soil and are pretty tolerant when it comes to climate, being able to grow in the cool or in warmer locations.   


The tupelo is native to North America but grows well in many areas of Australia. It can grow to be pretty tall (around 11 metres), so be sure to keep its future growth in mind when choosing a location to plant. During the autumn months, its leaves turn from a rich green colour to a beautiful bright orange that’s sure to draw the eye. It grows best when planted in well-drained, moist soil, and loves the full sun, making it great as a shade tree for sunny backyards that would love a pop of colour during the autumn. 

Chinese Pistachio

This Chinese-native tree is a gorgeous garden edition, with the leaves changing to bright orange and red tones in the autumn. It can grow quite large (generally topping out around 8-12m tall), but can also be grown to a smaller size in pots if transportation or aesthetics require. They are relatively hardy plants, and can be grown in a range of spaces from full sun to part shade to full shade. Just keep in mind that while the name may sound appetising, the fruit of this tree is not edible! 

We hope this article has helped inspire you to think about planting your own autumn tree. While we touched on a few examples, there are many more different types of colourful trees to choose from. You may even find yourself wanting to plant many to create an autumn rainbow in your garden!

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