Lawn types for colder Aussie climates -

Lawn types for colder Aussie climates

It’s coming into winter, and while a lot of places in Australia stay relatively comfortable during the season, some areas can get pretty chilly. It’s important to install the right type of lawn for your area, and for some places this can mean finding variants that are frost tolerant and cope well in cooler weather.

If you live in one of the areas of Australia that experience chilly nights and frosts (we’re looking at you, Victoria!) and are looking to learn about the kind of lawn that can handle the cold winters, then read on as we list some of the most popular types of cool season grasses.

Sir Walter

This buffalo grass is well-suited for areas that experience colder weather due to its hardy nature. Sir Walter lawns can grow in shade or full sun, and are frost-tolerant, making them a good choice to consider for areas that can ice over during the winter nights. This variety of lawn is also tolerant of drought periods, which could be a big plus during long, dry winters. It also tends to hold its colour in cold conditions, giving you a healthy-looking lawn all year round.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass gets its name from the blue-ish tinge the blades give off. This cool season grass is a lawn that can tolerate some foot traffic, so if you have an area that’s a popular racetrack for the kids or pets, this could be the lawn for you. It tolerates the shade well, and is resistant against frosts, but it doesn’t like areas with high amounts of salt in the air. Kentucky Bluegrass is pretty tolerant to droughts, and likes fertiliser with good amounts of nitrogen to look its best.

Tall Fescue

This grass variety is another lawn that can handle relatively high amounts of traffic.  Tall Fescue is a low maintenance lawn that is tolerant of shade and drought. There are two types of Tall Fescue commonly found in the Australia European/American variety (which is active in the spring and summer and best suited to areas with high rainfall) and the Mediterranean variety (which is active in the winter, dormant during summer and prefers a dryer summer). Both varieties tolerate frost pretty well. If you plan to have grazing animals on your grass, keep in mind that fescue foot can occur from infected fescue varieties.


Palmetto is a variety of buffalo grass that handles shade well and holds its bright colour during the winter months. It is tolerant against frosts, and can grow in coastal areas with higher levels of salt in the air. A low-maintenance turf, Palmetto can bounce back fast after being damaged, and is capable of growing in sunny or shady conditions. Its tolerance of drought is good, and it can also cope with high levels of heat and humidity.

Picking the right kind of cool season grass for your area can be a little overwhelming at first, as there are so many options to choose from! A little bit of observation and research will help you narrow down your options, and you’ll be able to find the grass that works best for your climate and needs.  

Need help selecting your lawn for your cool climate region? Jim’s is the one! Drop us a line 1300 975 430 or book online!

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