Garden maintenance disagreements can sometimes result in major issues between the you, the landlord, the tenant and even the real estate agent. Are you aware of the exact tenant garden maintenance responsibilities and the landlord’s responsibilities? Check out our Garden Tips For Landlords!
Unfortunately, most Residential Tenancies Acts do not provide exact guidance, unless the residential tenancy agreement says otherwise, the tenant is generally responsible for general garden maintenance – which is generally defined as mowing, watering, weeding, pruning and trimming.
The tenant is usually responsible for all garden maintenance, all of which should be detailed in the in-going and out-going property inspection report along with collaborating photos. The landlord is generally only responsible for garden and yard maintenance such as maintaining any water system, tree lopping and cleaning gutters, again, all of this should be outlined in your tenancy agreement.
As a landlord, it is beneficial to be open to negotiation when settling the final residential tenancy agreement. With Australia’s capital cities experiencing their slowest growth rate in nearly 20 years due to rent increases and residential vacancies continuing to surge – What can you, as a landlord do under these challenging conditions?
To maximise rental opportunities and preserve your investment, there are several things landlords can do – here are 4 tips for landlords in a competitive market:
A good landlord will always treat tenants fairly and respectfully. It is always worth going the extra mile, for example;
Landlords need to be open to negotiation to meet the current rental market demands. A landlord refuses to adjust their expectations may be exposing themselves to considerable financial loss. Just ask yourself what is more profitable – a lower than anticipated weekly rental income or a vacant property?
Here are some possible incentives to offer tenants;
Landlords should be prepared to negotiate, drop rents and offer more flexible contracts in order to attract new tenants or keep the current tenants. It’s also recommended and highly beneficial to discuss the contracts with your tenants well before the renewal date to access their living intentions and negotiate terms of a new lease.
The appearance and presentation of a rental property is of most importance in attracting tenants in the current market. First impressions do matter and a well designed property with quality finishes and added extras like air-conditioning and parking are always going to be more popular. Landlords need to think about where their property could use improvement and upgrades in order to make it more attractive.
Hiring a contract garden landscaper can ensure your investment is looked after and in the long run, save you a lot of time, money and stress. It is alos possible to negotiate the extra costs into your Tenant’s rental agreement.
Don’t forget that the Tenant has a legal responsibility to report any issues such as blockages or breaks, especially when it comes to gutters, as broken or blocked gutters can quickly lead to expensive roof and wall damage.
If you have a garden at your investment property it is highly recommended to include a garden maintenance contract in your tenancy agreement. Although you cannot make a tenant pay for garden maintenance costs, it is possible to negotiate terms, especially for gardens with plants which require special attention and regular watering. If an agreement cannot be made, fitting an irrigation system that runs on a timer might be a solution. However, you may need to pay a portion towards the tenant’s water usage. In the long run, it will ensure continuous watering of your lush green lawns and gardens and maintaining your property presentation and value.
If you require the help of an expert garden landscaper, call Jim’s Mowing on 131 546 or Request A Free Quote online now!
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Feeding the soil well is one of the most crucial ways to grow a beautiful, healthy garden. Among the most important ingredients that gardeners must use to make their garden soil and plants healthy is mulch. Mulch is a thick blanket of natural materials spread over garden soil to keep it healthy. Clippings, hay, straw, […]
As winter approaches, many gardeners may begin to slow down the maintenance of their lawns and gardens. While the cold weather can mean taking a step back from needing to mow your lawn as frequently, there’s still plenty of winter gardening to be done. Some winter gardening tips include pruning out dead or damaged branches, […]
If you’ve recently acquired some new potted plants, keeping them alive is likely a top priority! Unfortunately, pot plants can perish due to numerous reasons, including lack of water, too much water, excess sunlight, or too little sunlight. However, do not give up hope! Even a beginner gardener can ensure their plants are thriving by […]