PVC Pipe Garden — Fit Into Any Space!

Jim's MowingPVC pipes are often used for electricity wirings and drainage. But today, they can also be used in creative things for DIY projects. Indeed, they provide different ideas to make your garden beautiful and unique.

With these construction materials, you can come up with a PVC pipe garden that can fit into any space in your home. It is important though that you make use of a new, Australian-made stormwater pipe that is properly designed to carry potable water. This will help make sure that the food you grow in it is safe.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Vertical Garden Using PVC Pipes

  1. Measure and cut PVC pipes

Secure all the required PVC pipes to your work surface using bar clamps. With a reciprocating saw or a hacksaw, cut all of them to proper sizes.

  1. Make planting holes

The 150mm PVC pipes must remain on the workbench. Mark 90mm planting holes using a silver or white marker, keeping them about 250mm apart. Using a drill and hole saw bit, punch out the holes.

Wipe away any excess shavings and dust. Also, make sure that all the rough edges are smooth using a metal file.Jim's Mowing

  1. Add drainage holes

Prepare the irrigation pipe by making holes throughout the PVC pipe using a drill bit.

  1. Add weed block

Wrap the 20mm pipe with weed block material, and secure it in place using zip ties. Also, place PVC caps on both ends of the pipe.

  1. Position the irrigation line

Put the bigger pipe at the centre of the planter. Slip the irrigation pipe in the large one while keeping the 20mm pipe in the middle. You can use gravel to properly anchor it.

  1. Secure the large pipe

Place the 150mm PVC pipe at the centre of the planter. Fill the planter halfway with gravel or stones for easy drainage. You would want at least 30cm of the pipe under the soil in the planter so it won’t be too top heavy once you fill them with mature plants.

  1. Add potting soil

Add the potting soil into the top of the 150mm pipe. Make sure to keep the irrigation line centred and capped if you are scooping the soil into the larger pipe. It is okay for the soil to spill out into the base and sides of the planter. Once you have filled it with adequate soil, top the soil at the planter’s base with mulch to preserve the moisture.

  1. Add plants

Tuck small starter plants into the holes gently. You can choose one type of plant to achieve a uniform look. But if you want a more natural vibe, consider planting different types of plants.

  1. Water the plants

To properly water the plants, you just have to unscrew the cap off the irrigation pipe and add water.

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If you are living in a small apartment with a small amount of space to cultivate and enjoy plants, a PVC pipe garden can be your best option for adding some green to your balcony.

For all of your gardening and landscaping needs call Jim’s Mowing on 131 546 or book online today!

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