Common Types Of Plants Used As Hedges

Hedges are a great feature in any garden, whether you have a grand landscaping idea in mind, want more privacy, or need a hedge to block noise. Choosing the right plant species for your hedge will depend on a few factors; your soil, the local climate, and your personal needs. Here are just some of the most popular hedge plants in Australian gardens to get you inspired for your next project!

garden hedge

Boxwood (buxus sempervirens)

Buxus, also known as Boxwood, is probably the most well-known and popular choice for hedge plants. Its small leaves give it an advantage over other plant species here, as the size of leaves make it easy to shape, form, and tame. Boxwood is a slow-growing plant, so is easy to maintain, and can even be shaped into a formal hedging style, and generally grows up to 2 metres tall. Many homeowners in Australia plant it as a driveway or garden bed boundary.

The Buxus grows best in cool, temperate, or mild tropical climates. In South East Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria, the English Box is the best Boxwood variety to grow as hedges.

Mock Orange (murraya paniculata)

If you want a tall hedge plant that blooms to life twice between spring and summer, Murraya is an ideal choice. This hedge typically grows to 3 or 4 metres, but can reach heights of 8 metres if left unpruned. Mock Orange’s creamy white flowers have a sweet orange scent when they bloom, which can add the perfect citrus scent to your yard in summer. As for the hedge itself, Murrayas have a dense, twiggy habit and foliage that is a glossy green in colour. They are relatively easy to care for and tend to be disease-free. Since they can grow quite tall, they are great as a privacy screen or large hedge.

Murrayas grow best in areas with a warm climate, including Sydney and Perth, and other northern areas.

Lilly Pilly (acmena smithii)

Native to Australia, Lilly Pillies are evergreen rainforest plants with glossy green leaves, and come in different varieties with colourful flushes of growth. Most Lilly Pillies have fluffy white or green flowers adorned with red, purple, or whitish berries from spring to early summer. In natural settings, Acmena Smithii grows up to 30 metres, but don’t let that spook you, as garden varieties are cultivated to max out at 5 or 6 metres tall.

Lilly Pillies grow well and are quite popular in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia.

Viburnum (laurustinus)

Viburnums are evergreen shrubs with dense glossy green foliage, and pink or white perfumed flowers. Viburnum Odoratissimum and Tinus are the two most common hedging varieties of Viburnum. Most Viburnums are very hardy, low-maintenance hedge plants, so are easy even for beginner gardeners to grow in sunny or partly shaded areas. All they need is moist and well-drained soil. Some species are drought-tolerant, but they’ll take some extra watering during the hotter seasons.

The Odoratissimum variety is popular and grows well in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia. Tinus, on the other hand, thrives well in temperate areas like Sydney.

Photinia Robusta

photiniaIf you want a hedge that adds a vibrant burst of colour to your yard, then Photinia Robusta is worth considering. This evergreen shrub stands out thanks to its crimson shoots, and is a fantastic fast-growing hedge that produces soft white flowers in summer. With this species, you can grow a hedge that’s anywhere from 0.5 to 2 metres tall, and should aim to prune and trim annually to maintain it.

Photinia Robusta favours full-sun positions in well-drained soil, and is a hardy plant that does well in climates ranging from sub-tropical to cold.

Leightons Green (cupressus)

leighton green hedgePerfect for a large privacy screen or to block winds, Leightons Green is a densely-packed hedge plant that can reach over 20 metres tall if left untrimmed. This species requires frequent hedge maintenance and pruning as it grows up to 1 metre each year. Its soft green foliage makes for an attractive hedge that can thrive in various climates.

If you opt to plant a Leightons Green hedge, keep it mulched and well watered until it’s established. Once it matures, the plant tolerates windy climates, droughts, and varied soil types, and does best when planted in full-sun to partial-shade areas.


Gardenia Florida (cape jasmine)

gardenia floridaThe Gardenia plant has a number of varieties, and the Florida is the most popular choice among Aussies thanks to its hardiness. With deep green glossy leaves and beautifully layered white flowers, this Gardenia is the perfect addition to aesthetically curated gardens.

Gardenia Florida is a tropical climate native, and grows well in areas with similar conditions and humidity. When planted in the optimal conditions in sunny or partially-shaded areas, hedges can reach 1.5 metres in height.

Maintain your hedges with Jim’s Mowing

At Jim’s Mowing, we can lend a helping hand with any of your gardening needs. Contact us to speak with one of our experienced gardeners about perfecting your yard!

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