You’re outside getting some fresh air and enjoying your garden when you spot it: brown patches dotted across your once-perfect lawn. They weren’t there last week – so what’s going on?
Brown patches can be more than just an eyesore; they’re often a sign of an underlying issue. Identifying the cause early is essential to finding the right solution and keeping your lawn healthy and green. With some knowledge and TLC, you should be able to get your lawn looking healthy and happy again in no time.
To get started, let’s take a closer look at the most common causes of brown patches in lawns, and how you can fix them.
With this lawn disease, you’ll see large round, dying areas in your lawn. If you notice round patches measuring between 20 centimetres to a metre that are enclosed by a darker colour, there’s a good chance that brown patch lawn disease is what you’re seeing.
Typically, this disease infects lawns that aren’t in the best health to start off with, and you’ll see this problem affect lawns during spring in particular. This is because as the daytime weather warms up but the nights stay cool, it creates the perfect conditions and moisture for fungus to thrive.
Ultimately, the disease is caused by microorganisms that are brought to the lawn by external sources like shoes, pets, or even borrowed lawn mowers. Misusing fertiliser or overwatering your lawn can also predispose your lawn to this, making it easier for those fungus to spread.
If you see small, circular yellow or brown spots on your lawn, each about the size of a coin, you might be dealing with dollar spots. This problem is often caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil, which can be amplified by poor lawn management. Watering at night, having a build-up of thatch, compacted soil, or poor drainage can all contribute to the appearance of these spots.
Some lawn varieties are predisposed to certain issues. If you have couch grass planted on your lawn, one problem that you should watch out for is the appearance of spring dead spots. These are round, dead patches that often start out with a diameter of 10 to 15 centimetres, but can grow as big as a metre. As with other brown lawn patches, spring dead spots are caused by fungal pathogens. The problem usually crops up during autumn, but because the grass naturally turns yellowish during this time, it can be hard to detect. The patches then go dormant during winter, and only become obvious in spring.
The three issues we’ve outlined above all have a pretty similar one-size-fits-all solution! Even better, the remedies are all common practices in lawn-care, so taking these measures to address brown spots also ticks off a few boxes on your lawn maintenance checklist.
A general approach to tackling brown patch lawn disease, dollar spots, and spring dead spots involves improving lawn health and adopting better care practices. Begin by addressing any fungal issues with the appropriate fungicide, applied as directed on the bottle.
To prevent them from becoming a reoccurring issue, focus on creating an environment that discourages fungal growth. Water your lawn thoroughly, but not too often. The best time to water your lawn is in the early morning to allow the grass to dry before nighttime. Regularly aerate the soil to improve drainage and airflow, and remove thatch to prevent fungal spores from building up. Then, fertilise your lawn appropriately based on the grass variety you have and its needs. Reduce shade on the lawn where possible, as sunlight can help to keep fungal growth in check, or, if your garden is naturally shaded, choose a grass species that’s built for shade.
The complaints above can be easily rectified, but there are two more common causes of brown patches in grass that can be fixed even more easily.
If you have a dog, their urine could be causing the brown spots popping up on your lawn. Dog urine is high in nitrogen, which can burn grass and create these unaesthetic patches. Female dogs are more likely to cause concentrated brown spots, as they tend to urinate in one area rather than spraying like male dogs.
Most of the time, these brown spots will resolve themselves within a week or two. In the meantime, you can take your dog to a different area for their bathroom needs to give your lawn a chance to recover. If you see your dog urinate on the grass, immediately dilute the area with water from a bucket or hose to reduce the nitrogen’s impact.
Sometimes, brown patches are simply caused by dry soil beneath the surface of the grass. This can happen even if the rest of your lawn appears healthy. The soil may become compacted or hydrophobic, making it difficult for water to penetrate and nourish the grass above.
To fix dry patches, you should remove the affected grass and loosen the soil underneath with a garden fork or aerator. Once the soil has been prepared, re-seeding or re-sodding the area will allow new grass to grow and fill in the patch.
When in doubt, call Jim’s! Our expert team are across all-things garden-related, and are here to help you with whatever issues you may have. Whether there’s something in particular that needs specialist attention, or you’re after regular services to keep your lawn in-check, we can do it. Get in touch with Jim’s Mowing today to find out more about our gardening, lawn mowing, landscaping, and even gutter cleaning services.
And of course, if you need help with any of the issues outlined above (apart from toilet training your dog perhaps) our Jim’s Mowing can definitely help. Just contact us or book a free quote online!
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