We’ve seen it too many times, beautiful flowers trying to grow and pesky weeds coming a long and destroying the beauty with their uncontrollable hunger for destruction. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on weed control. These are 7 household products you can use to kill or control weeds in your garden.
Call Jim’s Mowing on 131 546 for all of your gardening needs or simply book online for a free, no-obligation quote!
Our Ten Most Effective Mosquito Repellent Plants With the weather warming up, you might be starting to notice more mosquitos making an appearance in your outdoor living area, which can be especially annoying for those who like to make the most of the warming weather by hosting barbecues and other social events outside. You may […]
Have you been looking out at your lawn lately, wondering “why is my grass dying”? If you have a sad-looking lawn or your grass is dying in patches, don’t panic! There are a few ways you can try to revitalise your lawn without having to pull it up and start over. Whether you’re concerned about […]
If you’re thinking of creating a more sustainable life, one of the things you can do is to grow your own food. A lot of people these days are using their patch of land to grow edibles. They’re learning that this “back-to-basics” strategy is not that difficult to carry out and it yields numerous benefits […]
Performing periodic maintenance on your roof is a required task for every homeowner. Where you live is a great factor in determining how often you should check and clean the gutter. If you are in an urban area where there are few or no trees at all, once a year will do. And the best […]